Sabtu, 30 November 2013

rahasia kolom komentar

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Basically people invest for one of the two following things : make a profit , or a means of saving to prevent the decline in asset values ​​. For example , you have a certain amount of money , say U.S. $ 1 billion . The monetary assets intrinsic value will continue to decline , due to inflation the range varies alat bantu sex from year to year . Money worth USD 1 billion this matter , you invest in some fixed assets and grow .
Examples of fixed assets such as land , house , or gold . Fixed assets are assets whose value models are not much changed , but with a small percentage . Investment in fixed assets , according to the author's personal , investment model is not really investments . Why ? Because you buy land , house , or gold , and go unpunished ( ongkang ongkang feet ) in the hope that its value will slightly beat inflation , less so great added value in society than if you invest in growth assets .
What 's assets grow ? Asset growth is the model of an asset whose value will far exceed its original value , due to give two kinds of advantages that the increase in the intrinsic value of these assets , or profits from his business . A concrete example in investment assets grow is you use money USD 1 billion was to raise cattle . If money USD 1 billion to buy 100 head of cattle ( assuming one cow costs Rp 10 million ) , then in 2-3 years is likely the price will be USD 11 million per head , yet the results cows 100 cows had puppies .
Model of investment in this growing asset favored authors , in addition to not only provide relatively greater benefits , but also provide added value to the social / community . pulau pari  For example, in the form of jobs , greater turnover , economic , etc. . Compare if you buy gold and then just kept on deposit box , or buy a few hundred acres of land without being processed into a garden or other economic terms .
Each model of investment risk . So , it's easy for us to judge whether a model of an investment model investing their bulging ( deception ) or indeed pure investment . Feature is fake investment business model is not clear , with a profit margin of profit or unreasonable . Currently the interest rate range of 6 % ​​per year . That is, if there is a promise give a profit say 2 % per month ( 24 % per year ) , it can be ascertained that the investment has a huge risk . And always so = big profits , the risk too great .
The drop in the price of gold has recently also a blow to the perpetrators of " investment " garden gold . Words give investment writer quotes because instead of investing it properly , but it will use a greedy human nature , people are encouraged to borrow money ( debt ) to speculate on the price of gold rise . Remember that a commodity whose price jumped sharply , is likely to fall in the pulau tidung percentage that is not less great anyway . Speculating on fluctuations in commodity prices is something risky , if you do not want to be considered a gamble .
Hopefully we can be wise to sort out which ones actually investing and where the only action delusion. Greed is not good . Greed is not good.

Post By : Obat Pembesar Penis Vimax dan Obat Telat Bulan

Kamis, 28 November 2013

Online Business Ideas for Money on the Internet searching has always been an interesting topic for discussion , not only among bloggers , Online Business Ideas also has penetrated into all walks of life , not least among students , student , and professional circles , it is proven by the many people in the online business ideas to explore ways to use the Internet to conduct business , such as selling clothes through social media , blogs , and even offer services over the Internet .
Exploration of online business idea is actually pulau pari not merely just to make money on the internet , but this online business idea as a form of education , development and creativity means to devote oneself , especially among college students , studying their long , not necessarily just learn / college , but they can demonstrate the ability and the They can get income from online business activities , because now many students or students who can prove earn money with their online business .Why why must Business Online ?
As I 've written before about the advantages of online business , online business that can be done anytime, anywhere , with any model in the sense that you can take part-time for an online business , you can manage the time you have, if you come from professionals who should work from morning till evening , you can do your online business idea in the evening time , just 2 to 3 hours consistently , you can do business online . If you are still in college , it will be even easier to manage your time is to run an online business .
With unlimited time aka 24 hours non stop , the internet provides an opportunity for you to earn money from an online business idea you do , the following advantages of doing business online for students , student or professional circles .

We there are CEOs of our top online business , so there is no pressure , depending on what you want
You can choose an interesting online business in accordance with the skill you have.
You can do your online business with flexible .
You can earn money from an online business that you do .
I also previously wrote about the type - the type of online business you can try , but here I will slightly add to business ideas As explained on , there are some online business pulau tidung  ideas that you can use, especially for students , student , or professional .

writing Articles
If you have good writing skills , and an expert in a particular field , you can enter your articles on the website that offers the revenu sharing on every article you write , if your article to get feedback from readers who are interested in purchasing your article , you will get money from sharing with the website . This article is usually in the form of the English language , Indonesian language articles rarely fit in this criteria , so for those of you who have the skill to write good English , you can take advantage of these online business ideas .

Blogging is one of the best online business ideas that you can exploit to make money on the internet , with making or with a free blog hosting, you can do business online by writing articles that are interesting , in this online business idea , you must learn marketing skills and techniques SEO to increase visitor traffic to your blog , once you have a high traffic blog , you can use your blog to make money on the internet .

writing Tutorial
If you have the ability in a particular field , let's say you are an expert in web design with wordpress , Photoshop , SEO , you can write a tutorial how to create a web design layout with wordpress , Photoshop , SEO , sell it to the shape of your bsia e book or ordinary book .

web Designing
Many business ideas online services such as web design , because this online business idea could prove to make money from the internet , it is in this online business idea , you should have the ability in the field of web design , such as HTML , CSS , etc. . But despite that, it could not hurt to try if you are indeed in an expert in web design .

Photography is one of the online business ideas that you can exploit , if you have skills in the field of photography , not hurt you started in this business , you can take advantage of social media websites , or that provide services to upload photos , so you just extending the upload your best photos , and if there is someone who wants to download your image , it must first be paid in accordance with the price you offer

Affilasi is one online business that you can try , you do obat telat bulan not actually need to have a website for online business ideas melakaukan this , just write reviews about the products that are affiliate services , and you can offer through social media such as facebook , twitter , or on the blog you are .
So the idea of ​​an online business to make money on the internet is very interesting to try , but do not try at home , do .. with a time of 24 hours non-stop , and you can do anytime and anywhere as long as there is an internet connection , this business idea Ko Ko will make money for you , as long as you are willing to learn and tirelessly to try .
This online business idea I rekomedasikan to the student or students who really want to earn their own money , as a result of this online business idea Ko Ko real and can be proven by anyone .
Surely you proud , if you can produce unag itself , moreover still a student, certainly proud if you could pay your tuition with money that you generate yourself , especially by making use of online business ideas .

Post By : pengobatan alternatif dan obat aborsi

Minggu, 10 November 2013

Bicara soal garansi obat

Bicara soal garansi obat aborsi, saya memberikan garansi sampai janin keluar atau berhasil, jadi anda gak perlu kuatir. jika janin tidak keluar dalam 2×24 jam saya akan kirim obat nya ulang tanpa anda harus membayar sepeserpun lagi itu sebagai komitmen kami dalam menjual obat telat bulan ini. jangan sampai tertipu oleh penjual di internet yang memang harganya miring tetapi obat yg di berikan tidak mampu menggugurkan kandungan malah mepersubur kandungan. jangan sampai anda salah memilih tempat untuk membeli obat aborsi karena bisa fatal akibatnya dan akan dapat menyebabkan kematian untuk anda sendiri.

Saya dengan senang hati memberikan yang terbaik tanpa anda harus membayar/ membeli obat di saya seperti Bpk.S**** yg bertanya tanya dengan saya. dia dan istrinya telah membeli obat aborsi dari seseorang yg menjual CYTOTEC di internet tetapi hasilnya ??? KANDUNGANNYA TIDAK BERSIH dan masih ada yang tersisa dan apa akibat nya masih mengandug. Jelas karena CYTOTEC adala obat untuk maag akut/borok lambung buka untuk aborsi.

Jumat, 08 November 2013


Di indonesia penjualan obat aborsi atau pun yang kita kenal dengan obat telat bulan tidak dilakukan secara terang-ternagan karena di indonesia sangat dilarang untuk melakukan proses aborsi, di jaman sekarang adanya online orang beralih ke mbah google apa yang di ingin kan kata kunci "misal ane mau beli obat telat bulan .... toko online bayangan ini lah yang menjual obat aborsi secara ilegal
tinggal ketik aja OBAT TELAT BULAN ONLINE" itulah contoh sebagian dari kami, manfaat membeli secara online karna banyak orang malu atau malas keluar keliling toko obat yang jarang bahkan tidak ada di jual di pasaran bebas, di jaman yang di sediakan secara cepat dan praktis sangat di manfaatkan para pengguna internet secara pesat yaitu untuk pembelian-pembelin barang-barang yang di anggap ilegal dan di larang oleh pemerintah, 
pembelian online obat telat bulan sangat praktis tinggal transfer uang terus beberapa waktu minta nomer resi via paket tunggu deh di rumah datang pesanan online oleh jasa paket, pesanan akan langsung datang tanpa siapa pun tahu isi dari pesanan tersebut.

Rabu, 06 November 2013


Raja Ampat Islands is a series of four adjacent group of islands located in the western part of the bird's head pulau pari ( Vogelkoop ) Papua island . In Administrative , these clusters are under Raja Ampat , West Papua Province . Raja Ampat is the region with the richest natural resources in the tropical world , and is one of the best marine locations in the world . In addition to the incredible natural penorama , Raja Ampat is also famous for its stunning underwater scenery that can be enjoyed by diving ( diving ) . In Raja Ampat there are several beach resorts with a view of the exotic landscape .Raja Ampat IndonesiaBy UUP imageRaja Ampat Misool Eco Resortimage by Headlines & Heroes
2 . Bunaken - North Sulawesi
Bunaken is an island covering an area of ​​8.08 sq km in the Bay of Manado , located in the north of the island of Sulawesi , Indonesia . The island is part of the city of Manado , the provincial capital of North Sulawesi .
BUNAKEN BEACHBy Kaufik Anril image
Bunaken Island can be alat bantu sex  reached by speed boat ( speed boat ) or a rented boat with about 30 minutes travel time from the port city of Manado . Around the island there Bunaken Bunaken marine park which is part of the Bunaken National Park .
diving in Bunakenimage By Bunaken IslandBunaken Marine Park has a 20 point dive ( dive spot ) with varying depths up to 1344 meters . Of the 20 diving points , 12 of which were around the island of Bunaken . 12 point dive is the most frequently visited by divers and lovers of the beauty of the underwater scenery .
3 . Wakatobi National Park - South East Sulawesi
Wakatobi beach Indonesia
Wakatobi National Park is located in Wakatobi , Southeast Sulawesi Province , Indonesia . Wakatobi is the capital of Wangi - Wangi . Wakatobi consists of four major islands , namely : Wangiwangi , Kalidupa , Tomia , and Binongko . So , Wakatobi is an acronym wisata pulau pari of the name of the four main islands of the
Wakatobi Dive Resort Indonesia
Underwater beauty greatly admired by many tourists, so it is often touted as one of the most beautiful underwater paradise in the world . So it was not without reason that the beach area in Wakatobi is perfect for diving , snorkeling , swimming and fishing .
4 . Kuta Beach - Bali
Kuta is located in Badung regency , located about 1.5 km from Ngurah Rai Airport with a time of 5 minutes , and about 20 minutes from Denpasar city pudat . Kuta area is a tourist destination abroad , and has become the mainstay attractions of Bali since the early 1970s .
Kuta Beach BalBy Bewish Bali image
Kuta beach has waves that are favored by surfers ( surfers ) . alat bantu sex  This beach is often referred to as sunset beach ( sunset beach ) , as opposed to the Sanur beach .
surfer in kuta beach baliBy shtumpi image
Kuta area is never deserted in the evening , live music , karaoke and others. Also many shops and art shops along the way there are didereten in Kuta , mostly selling trinkets surf and craft items .

5 . Nanggu Gili Islands - Lombok
Nanggu dyke located in the Lombok Strait or exactly on the east coast of Lombok Island , adjacent to the Gili Tangkong . Administratively, including the District of Central Senggigi , West Lombok regency , West Nusa Tenggara .
Gili Nanggu IndonesiaBy sutrebor image
The island is a quiet little island with beautiful nature, white sand and underwater parks . Serenity and beauty of this is that one of the reasons many travelers choose to be Nanggu Gili Air- honeymoon jual alat bantu sex destination .
Nanggu Gili Island Indonesia
Adventure beach combing and snorkeling is fun , in addition to the beauty of the ocean and pristine Gili islands natural coral reefs and the fish are colorful , you are also allowed to feed the fish with bread .
6 . Derawan Island - East Kalimantan
Derawan Island is located in Derawan Islands , District Derawan , Berau regency , East Kalimantan . In the surrounding waters are a marine park terekenal with his diving ( diving ) with a depth of about five meters .
Derawan Beach Indonesia
In addition to a wide range of marine life such as squid obat aborsi ( cuttlefish ) , lobster , fish pipe ( ghostpipe fish ) , octopus ( octopus bluering ) , sea horses ( seahorses ) , eel ribbon ( ribbon eel ) and fish skorpion ( scopionfishes ) , there are also coral known as " Blue Trigger Wall " because of the reef with a length of 18 meters is a lot of trigger fish ( red - toothed trigger fishes ) .
Derawan Island Indonesia
7 . Moyo Island - Nusa Tenggara
Admisnistratif Moyo Island is located in the village and the village of Labuan Aji Sebotok , District Labuan Badas , Sumbawa regency , West Nusa Tenggara Province . Moyo Island is located in the northern island of Sumbawa . Also located among other attractions such as Gili Matra ( Lombok ) , Satonda ( Way - Dompu ) and the Komodo National Park .
Moyo Island Indonesia
Fishing tours , snorkeling , diving and boating are available in this area . In addition visitors can also enjoy water tejun Mata Jitu staircase located in the western part of tens Moyo which can be accessed via the village of Labuan Aji . There is also a tour Goa , a stretch of savanna , traverse the forest , bird watching ( bird watching ) and hunting with reference to the applicable law .
Moyo Beach Indonesia
8 . Ora Island - Central Maluku
Ora obat telat bulan island located in the village of Saleman , North Seram , Central Maluku . Access to the site can be reached by plane to the airport perintas O on the island of Seram . After the crossing by boat fast ( speed boat ) to the Port Amahay with long travel about 2 hours .

Exotic beaches with beautiful natural scenery , makes a lot of tourists say no less when compared to Lanikai Beach Oahu Island in Hawaii or the Maldives . Coral reefs and marine animals still looks very natural and is still well maintained .
Besides snorkeling tour , visitors can also cross the river Salawai to see the process of making sago , coconut retrieval , or see various species of birds in estuaries in the Gulf of Solomon . Or tourist terkking sustainable forests across natural behind Sawai Affairs , headed Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Hamlet Masihulan , Sawai , where parrots and parrot pengkaran spooky .

No less interesting is a resort inn - resort on the beach and floating -shaped house on stilts .
9 . Sarwana beach - Banten
Sarwana beach is located in District Bayah , Lebak regency , obat aborsi Banten . The beach is about 65 km which is decorated with coral and white sand . Coastal forest area formerly known stealth village is now up as one of the destinations that are not less interesting to Pelabuhan Ratu is located in one the region's coastline . Hence this beautiful coastal region is also fused with the mystical story of Nyai Roro Kidul .
Sarwana beach Banten Indonesia
Many charming beach with blue sea can dinikmatin at this location , including Tanjung Layar, Coral Bokor ( Cipamadangan ) , and Manuk Island . Besides the beautiful beaches , unisex Cave tourism , such as Cave Lalay , Sikadir Cave , Cave Cimaul , Cave Singalong , and Sand Hill Tangkil . For lodging facilities , locals juggling their home into a homestay with a relatively low rate of about 120 thousand people per night including meals .
Screen Tanjung Karang beach sarwanaScreen Tanjung Karang , TEV1311
To reach this location from Jakarta there are two alternatives , namely : Jakarta - Serang - Malingping - Bayah - Sarwara , and Jakarta - Balaraja - Maja - Rangkasbitung - Malingping - Bayah - Sarwana . Of direction could Bandung through Pelabuhan Ratu , then down the coast to the west .
10 . Balekambang Beach - Malang , East Java
Balekambang beach located in the village of Srigonco , Batur subdistrict , Malang , East Java , about 65 km from the southern city of Malang . This beach has a coastline along the 2 km and consists of light brown beach sand and white .When you pay a visit to Gorontalo , set aside time to slide westward toward one of the city 's beaches with beautiful scenery . Bolihutuo beach its name , is located in the district was located about 120 km from the city of Gorontalo .For those of you who have never been to Bali , there are several references in bali beaches you can visit , the beach is 7 could be used as a tourist destination for your holiday with family .
1 . Dreamland BeachDreamland was in the village of Pecatu , Badung regency , located in the southern part of the island of Bali . You can reach this beach is about 30 minutes from Kuta to Jimbaran direction . Dreamland Beach area is also very alluring eyes . You will be captivated by a whitish brown sand clean with steep gully . You can enjoy the beauty of the sunset or sunset on the narrow coastal area directly beneath the steep rock walls .Dreamland Beach - Bali - 39
Dreamland Beach - Bali - 39
2 . Lovina Beach
Located in North Bali Lovina on the north coast of Bali precisely about 10 km west of Singaraja . Lovina Beach in the Village Kalibukbuk , Buleleng regency , Bali . Lovina area famous famous as a place to watch the performances of wild dolphins . You can immediately see the funny behavior and friendly dolphins live in the middle of the sea. Of course this will be an exciting holiday experience for you . In the area there are hundreds tail Lovina dolphins . In Lovina area , you also can dive or snorkel to enjoy the beauty of the sea at the coast . You can find a variety of ornamental fish are friendly enough to approach divers . Indeed in Lovina marine parks are not as beautiful as any park in Indonesia. However , you will be quite happy playing with ornamental fish in these waters .The Beauty of Bali Lovina Beach - 48
The Beauty of Bali Lovina Beach - 48Kuta beach ( white sandy beaches )The most famous beaches in Bali . Travelers who vacation in Bali will never forget to pay a visit to Kuta beach , especially when the sun will set . Kuta Beach is one of the places in Bali to see the panoramic setting of the sun in addition to Pura Uluwatu , Pura Tanah Lot or Jimbaran beach . Can we imagine every day especially in the afternoon Kuta beach will be filled with domestic and foreign tourists , waiting for the sunset , swim , or just walk along the beach . Which makes this beach is also famous for its waves high enough to do water sports , especially surfing ( surfing ) . No wonder that along the coast we can easily find that rent surfboards . You want to try ?smyk_pantai
Seminyak beach
Legian Beach , Double Six and Seminyak ( white sandy beaches )Located north of Kuta beach , this beach gives a feel similar to Kuta beach . Just because the location is a bit far from the center of Kuta , Legian and Seminyak beach visitors not as much as in the Kuta beach . But it would not hurt if you like the place is not too crowded , this beach is the right choice to just sit around enjoying the atmosphere of Legian and Seminyak beach afternoon .
Jimbaran beach ( beach bepasir white )
Beautiful beach with a slightly different view of the beach of Kuta , Legian or Seminyak unless panoramic sunsets . Visible in the distance many traditional boats were catching fish and there is also a traditional boat rented by tourists who surf because the waves are ideal for surfing located some distance away , not on the beach like Kuta beach . Jimbaran beach at the north end there is a fish market that sells various types of fresh fish . Jimbaran beach is also very famous for its restaurant with typical seafood menu . There are about 24 restaurants in Jimbaran beach which never deserted by visitors who want to enjoy seafood dishes as well as a beautiful beach panorama .
Uluwatu beach , Dreamland and Padang - padang ( white sandy beaches )
Beautiful beaches with high waves . Every day we will see the surfer or surfers passing to the third place for their hobby . Dreamland is one of the most recent beach in Bali but it was enough known for its beautiful beaches . To reach this place a little difficult so it should take a tour guide or a road that is often asked is not lost . Uluwatu is also you can watch Kecak dance while enjoying a beautiful sunset . If you have to go to Bali this place .
Nusa Dua beach ( white sandy beaches )
Areas south of the island of Bali also has exotis beaches , one of which is the Nusa Dua beach . Not surprising as almost all hotels along this coast are luxury hotels or five star luxury hotels .
Sanur beach ( white sandy beaches )
Sanur area is a regional / rural tourism first developed in Bali , and until now we still can see and feel the peaceful atmosphere of the countryside compared to other tourist areas . Sanur beach is a gently sloping beach which is ideal for swimming , playing or just walking around looking for sea shells , especially at low tide we could walk all the way into about 400 meters from the shoreline .
Tanjung Benoa beach ( white sandy beaches )
This beach is famous for its water sports activities such as parasailing , windsurfing , glass bottom boat , waterskiing , jet skiing and much more . And if you want to visit turtle island , where we can see a lot of turtle breeding places , such activity usually starts from Tanjung Benoa Beach premises using a boat bottom there is glass so we could easily see the marine life .
Candi Dasa beach ( white sandy beach ) .
Approximately 2 hours drive to the east of the island of Bali , you will find a well-known tourist areas namely Candi Dasa with enchanting beaches . Activities are generally carried out in this area are snorkeling and diving .
Amed and Tulamben beach ( beach with black sand and rocky )
Not much we can do along this beach because it is very dry and rocky , but the underwater scenery is very charming and also the hospitality of the local population makes this beach dikinjungi many travelers .
Lovina Beach ( black sand beach )
The beach is very well known in the north of the island of Bali where we can see them in the wild lumba-lumba/dolphin .

3 . Ahmed and Tulamben beach
Amed and Tulamben beach is adjacent beach , almost like a second character of this beach . Amed beach but still very virgin and not many domestic tourists who come here . Tulamben beach is very loved by the Diver who want to dive here . Because here there is a sunken U.S. warships and not too deep . So this beach is one of the exotic beach retreat ,Ahmed and Tulamben beach Indonesia - Bali - 48
Ahmed and Tulamben beach Indonesia - Bali - 48
4 . CandiDasa Beach
The east side of the island of Bali and 2 trip from Denpasar you pulau tidung  will find a well-known tourist area is temple Dasa , and the beauty of the beaches are very intriguing . Developed natural charm as marine tourism can be an option to perform a variety of activities , such as sun bathing , canoing , snorkeling , fishing , trekking through the hills , and that is not less interesting is the presence of small islands that can be reached by boat fishermen distance ( jukung ) . tiny islands that holds the potential of underwater panorama of coral reefs and ornamental fish .Candi Dasa Bali - beach - 93
Candi Dasa Bali - beach - 93
5 . Legian and Seminyak beach
This beach is located on the north coast of Kuta . Its atmosphere is similar to Kuta , because the difference is quite a distance from the crowded center of Kuta, Legian and Seminyak beach visitors not as Kuta beach . Bungy Jumping , This is tourist rides to adrenaline , which jumped free of the tower as high as 45 meters . There was no safety except when you jump rope tied to the specific ankle . Currently , only a single vehicle operating in Bali Bungy Jumping , namely AJ Hawckett located on the edge of Seminyak beach , right next to Double Six Club .Bali Legian and Seminyak beach - 392
Bali Legian and Seminyak beach - 392
6 . Padang Bai beachLocated on the coast of Padang Bai harbor crossing Bali - Lombok namely Padang Bai , the beach is maintained cleanliness and beauty . For anglers and divers ( diver ) really like this beach . Padang Bai is an area of ​​the sea port for the region of East Bali which is used as a harbor crossing to Lombok . Additionally , the port is also home to the berthing of the tourists who visited Bali via sea are transported by large cruise ships that docked in Labuan Amok only . The most interesting in the region of Padang Bai is a protected place in a bay with coral stones that life under the water to be safe . In the eastern part of the area of ​​the port of Padang Bai there is a beach at coastal resorts is becoming quite crowded visited by tourists, especially foreign tourists. Among tourists , the beach pulau pari area known as the Blue Lagoon Beach .Padang Bai Bali beach INdonesia - 39
Padang Bai Bali beach INdonesia - 39
7 . Sanur beach
Sanur Beach, famous for its beaches sunrisenya , just 6 km from the center of Denpasar can be reached by car , motorbike or public transport linking the city of Denpasar Sanur beach . Since large scale renovated Sanur beach is now turned into a very beautiful beach and friendly . The many activities and Resort2 are located in the area of Sanur Beach Sanur makes wisata pulau tidung one alternative beach worth a visit .Bolihutuo beach is also known by the name Boalemo Indah Beach is a beach which is famous for its beauty by the tourists . This beach has a fascinating and turbulent become one of the government district was the mainstay destinations .
During the journey to the coast , you will pass through the green landscape accompanied by the cool air and the valley hills . There are palm trees lining the green hills making it an ideal beach for treating fatigue and jemunya urban bustle that consume energy .
Bolihutuo beach beauty , like the pearls that lay Tomini Gulf coast . Roll waves touching the shoreline gradually add beautiful natural atmosphere . White sand beach surrounding region Bolihutuo pinusyang decorated shade of dozens of towering trees . The water is blue adds exotic beach . Bolihutuo Indah beach is one of the alternative options that fit a visit at the weekend .
From Gorontalo city you can go to the beach by private vehicle or hire a rental vehicle . Available public transportation at a cost of 25,000 , 00 per person .
Not far from the beach Balihutuo , about 3km before the city Boalemo Primaries are Hotel has some rooms are air - conditioned and Indraloka a two-story hotel with 20 rooms .
For a more diverse selection , you can stay in the city of Gorontalo . Here you can find accommodation that suits your finances .Balekambang Indonesian bayBalekambang , Didik Witon
Balekambang beach Java IndonesiaBy talkrabb imagepulau tidung On the beach is a mainstay of the Malang city tour does have a very pretty sight . There are three large rock off the coast of Balekambang . This rock is called by the locals as the island , the island of Anoman , Wisanggeni island , and the most famous is the island contained Ismoyo magnificent temple at its center , this island connected by bridge width of 1.5 meters . View of the temple on the rock is not less beautiful with Tanah Lot in Bali Island .

Post By : Peluang Usaha Online dan Iklan Baris