Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013


pasang iklan baris gratis tanpa daftar Pingin create a site like OLX , Tokobagus , trade etc ? now I 'll make a tutorial to make a website for free classified ads using the Script OSClass . OSClass is a site that provides Open Source Classifieds Script is where we can download for free to be used with the following entry requirements specified by the provider OSClass scripts .Why use just OSClass OSClass and what course ? Lots of Classifieds Scripts Open Source or free that we can use to make web classifieds like KamAds , OpenClass etc. . The advantages of this OSClass is easy and simple to install , manage and also there are many choices Themes and plugins and the Control Panel has a view like WordPress so we will be familiar with how it looks . This tutorial is a request from the pick mas Wandy Fals Blog Blogger Mobile .
To run the Website Script some necessary conditions , namely :1 . Web hosting with MySQL database and PHP 5.x - you can Sign Up Free Here2 . A domain or pulau tidung subdomain
How to Install OSClass ~Well if the above two conditions are met then now OSClass can be installed to run the following step by step tutorial to create a website free classified ads .1 . Make MySQL database on the hosting control panel . how can Read here
2 . Download Script OSClass.zip here and and Extract file .
3 . Upload files that reside in the OSClass folder to public_html folder using FileZilla FTP client hosting tutorial can be read here yaiyu uploaded files are in a folder OSClass not the parent folder )
4 . Not long tergntung you internet access so please be jasa pembuatan toko online murah patient and make sure the file can be uploaded perfectly without the slightest deficiency or will OSClass Error .
5 . If it is uploaded , use the browser to access the address : http://domainkamu.com/index.php

6 . It will be automatically redirected to the installation process just click " Install "
7 . Comes the following page , check the pulau pari readiness of your server
- If all the green check mark means that there is no problem- But if there is an error or not hosting mendukund there will be red text stating Error .- If no Error Click the " Run the Install "
8 . Further charging pulau tidung MySQL database that has been created
- Host : Fill mysql.idhostinger.com to the host in IdHostinger ( if you host in addition idhostinger detail you can find on the MySQL database that has been created )- Database name : Fill in MySQL that had been made- Username : Enter the MySQL username- Password : Enter the password that was created MySQL- Then click " Next"
8 . The next stage charging Admin Account Details
- Username : Fill that you like such as Admin- Password : Enter the password or password- Web Title : Title Website you an example : a Free Classified Ad- Contact e - mail : fill in your email- Location : type in Indonesia- Then kliik " Next"
9 . Click " Check All " at the top right ( or you can skip this step by clicking Skip and can determine through the admin panel later ) peluang usaha online and then click " Next"
10 . Completed and will be directed to the Admin login or if not redirected automatically to admin access
please enter the Admin Username and Password to configure your website Classified Advertising .
Settings / Settings OSCLASS :
Indonesian Idioms add .- Please download obat telat bulan first bhs Indonesia Pack can Search here ( Indonesia by code en-US )- Log into Admin panel >> Settings >> Languanges >> Add New- Please download languange pack that was downloaded- KLW already please activate Hover way on the language and click Enable ( Website )
Add prices / rates / currency Rupiah- Log into Admin panel >> Settings >> Currencies >> Add New

Currency Code : USDCurrency Symbol : Rp .Name : Indonesian Rupiah- Then click " Add Currency "
In order to perform the rupiah still need to be set slightly- Go back to the Admin panel >> Settings >> Languanges- Then click edit on bhs Indonesia bisnis online ( see the image below )
- Currency Format enter : { CURRENCY} {NUMBER }- Number of Decymals : enter the number 0- Decimals Point : enter sign , ( comma)- Thousand separator insert mark . ( point )- Place a check mark in the " Enabled for the public website and Enabled for the backoffice ( oc - admin ) "- pulau pari  Click on save changes
Last entry to Settings >> General >>- Default Languange : Select Indonesia- Default Currency: Choose S- Please adjust the other settingsSave Changes
You can mengubahsesuaikan OSClass become more attractive and professional with Theme and Plugin utilize options that have been provided .
- Theme Osclass Download here - Download OSClass Plugin here
Only that step makes a Classified Ads site is complete and there should obat telat bulan  be no mistake if you follow the appropriate steps above . If there are difficulties regarding the above tutorial tutorials are less clear due to be questioned by commenting or can also discuss with me here .Want to create a classifieds website . . . . ? but confused as most premium , is there any way we create a blog or her website multy classified ads , of course wrote just use Wordpress , Joomla , or Noahs Classifrieds , OpenClass , Osclass , DjClass , JClassifrieds and much more . nah but I will discuss is due Wordpress plugins and modules support obat aborsi her very much . wink okay CekidotNo post this time , the admin will share about the tutorial how to create a blog post auto classifieds . Perhaps bloggers 've never seen / been to several blogs " free ads " . If the buddy buddy diweb advertising classifieds , auto ads then will appear immediately mate ! Why is that? ?
Well , then here admin will share how to make it , that is how to create a form of advertising. As we know , in general, free classified advertising website provides a form, that form free classified pembesar penis advertising . Wherein if the visitor fills and melengkapiform , then by clicking the submit button , it automatically ad / data filled by the visitor directly terposting on blogs . Well , how do I making ? ? Here will be discussed ! ^ _ ^Create a Website with OSClass Classified AdIn making a like- it actually does not require a special script , but just using a simple trick . The simple trick is where the visitor actually send the data / information that has been entered into the email ad provider . Well, then the data / information is made auto posting to the blog via email , so every email that comes in, will be forwarded to the free advertising blog . How ? ? whether there is some idea of how it works ? ? ? Otherwise, immediately wrote to the weave !
How to make it :Bag . I. Setting on blogspot . Here we will set up and enable email posting .1 . Sign in to your blog account , then >> settings >> mobile and email2 . Then please use the " Post using email " with whatever you like .eg " emailsobat.secretdisini @ blogger.com "3 . Select the Publish Email pasang iklan online immediatly , and Save .
Bag . II . Setting the sender of the email application .Well , for email delivery settings actually be free to create their own buddy . Buddy can choose to make a php script sending email itself , or using applications provided by some websites . Well , in this case , we choose the easy path , the use of email sender application , the admin using the " jotform " . Email delivery here means that we can control how the position of the email that will be displayed later .Our flagship product is the latest website creation services classifieds , obat pembesar penis wordpress classifieds website which is currently the most in search of the online business . Where there is a new product that is where you have a chance of classified ad sites . You will get any benefit no one premium advertising on the site .
The Products Classified Ads Website WordPress we made ​​this using WordPress engine , so it is very SEO Friendly , and of course for those of you who are familiar with the course web WP an advantage for you . By using Script New WP Ad , made ​​our classifieds website will be easy to operatePrice : Rp 500,000

END OF YEAR PROMO : Rp 450,000
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Our Web Classifieds feature :

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SEO Friendly
easy operation
Specifications If you get your message Classified Ads Web :

Free Domain . Com / . Net . Org etc.
Hosting 300 MB
4 classifieds Theme ( Blue / Black / Green / Red )
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Access your cPanel and Hosting
Classified ads website is very easy to operate and SEO Friendly and of course very easy to recognize , Google, Yahoo , etc. . So you will easily get visitors from search engines and of course premium advertising opportunities are open .
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We also sell Script + this Classified Ad WP Theme , Can Only RP 150,000 4 theme colors : Black , Red , Blue and Green . Contact 0812 8077 3467
We also accept classified ads making use Domain + Hosting his own , so submit obat pembesar penis your cpanel the data to us, we will instalkan . Install and costs Rp 250,000 + Free Theme Script
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Following the steps of setting it up :1 . Please go and register at http://www.jotform.me/2 . Please be creative according to what you want. Where this is the iklan baris massal layout and the setting for the formation of writing that will appear on the blog later .alat bantu sex However there are a few things to note :On the Setup & Embed tab
- Email Alerts > Add New Email > Email Notification > Mail Recipient E - mail posting content
earlier in Blogger ( emailsobat.secretdisini @ blogger.com )
- Click the Switch to Text Mode ( at the bottom right ) and then delete all the code
- Click the Subject column , click the right Ad Title
- Click Image Below : Image , Content Ads , write Posted By then , again click below
Name , City , Phone No. and Website , click Finish . The results are more or less like this :
Here you are free to be creative , and can also add other attributes , such as " <a> <i> <u> and others . 's Up with creations buddy !3 . Click " source code " and then my friend will get a code / script . Henceforth , please attach / copy and paste to your blog !Nb : Besides jotform , man can also sign up on the web , such as emailme and others .
Bonus Download Template barisgratis adWell , here if my friend does obat pembesar penis not have templates / template for a more searching classified ads , my friend can also download it here or see sample1 and sample2 . Namely template " 20iklan " got admin . Kang ismet templates that already have design to make it more user admin interface , easy sharing , and of course easy to be edited because it marked anywhere that needs to be edited ^ _ ^ . Well , here to the width of the right sidebar on the future of advertising is " 300 " and for the color " # CEEEFE " .Nb : Register also blog / your classifieds website with our network .how: erecsson20@yahoo.com please send an email to with the subject " classified ads " and it is a blogger pal email address and web address before pal classified ads .The benefit is that pal ads will also be displayed directly in a web ad on our advertising network .
So , so aja ya posting about tutorial how to create a blog post classifieds auto download + bonus free classified ad template , if there is not yet understood , or would like to ask please leave in the comment box .Good work! And happy blogging ! Happy alat bantu sex Posting !
List used free hosting cpanel Idhostinger then go and install wordpress , let's just say agan dah understand because I'm not going to explain it , understand the limitations of the character of Hp .
Wordpress plugins that I think fit to make a wordpress website without the classified ads list is Classifrieds Another Plugin agan please download and then install . AWCP plugins can be modified , for example, we want to make a special classifieds or just add classifieds functionality on our website , so what are you waiting for and worth trying . . . . biggrinOh yes, in addition to SEO plugins agan wrote intall Ultimate SEO plugin I think this is good and suitable to be made in SEO Optimaze classifieds website and install it for us socialnya Easy Social Icon iklang a function that every visitor was immediately installed automatically uploaded to Facebook fanspage us , besides Twitter , Google+ and lain2 .

Wah character is almost gone , obat pembesar penis for who would ask please , I'll explain in detail , oh yeah ni Demo his ad , please Try any kind advertised

Pasang iklan di Twitter

pasang iklan baris gratis tanpa daftar - As we all know , almost all bloggers dream blog or article to the first page position in search engines . Even for those who are able to do it , is hoping that his position was not eliminated . Well this time I would like to share tricks campaign twitter account specifically for owners , especially those who have fewer followers but his article on page stopped millions twitter account .ndonesia included in the top five countries of Twitter users after the United States , Brazil , Japan , and the UK . Number of Twitter users in Indonesia alone per month in February 2012 to reach 19 . 5 million people . This data is the result of research from obat telat bulan Semiocast , social media research institute , based in Paris , France .Research results from Semiocast , social media research institute , based in Paris , France , in 2012
By doing so , Twitter became one of the potential media for image building and trade , both for individuals and companies . Figures in the table indicate the presence of traffic information were fantastic . Many brands are already making use of Twitter to promote because of the ease of information distribution . Distribution of information in Twitter happen easily and quickly . Only with a click through 1-2 .
Not a netpreneur ( online entrepreneur ) beginners who are confused how to use Twitter to promote and establish itself as a brand image . The main difficulty will always be experienced by colleagues who had just made ​​a Twitter account is the minimum number of followers . Without followers , we like talking in a vacuum . Talk or tweet but no audience . It is peluang usaha online not easy , but simple way to capture a lot of followers that could be done .

Invite All Contacts In Email

Invite all co- existing in email contact list to follow for your account . Twitter provides this feature . This method is the simplest steps to inform the existence of Twitter accounts that you 've got to all associates .

How: Click on " # Discover " at the Twitter obat pembesar penis  page . Then , select the " Find Friends " . After that , it will exit the dialog box or email options . You just choose which one to use email . Then , click on " Search Contacts " . Furthermore , netpreneur will find the option " Invite ... ( contact list ) to Join Twitter " .
Always Embed Username Twitter Account

We recommend that you always include the address or Twitter account on each web page , the Business, business cards , email signature even used . Be sure to always include the address or Twitter account at every opportunity . This is the second easiest step to inform where your Twitter account .
Follow Account - Account Group Tweet

Find and follow the accounts obat telat bulan  of the " Group Tweet " for a chance to be known and recognized by their followers . One of the features provided by Twitter is " Group Tweet " . Account " Group Tweets " will automatically retweet any tweet you mention in each of you . Usually , there are certain terms and conditions to be retweeted . A seller does not have to worry because most of these conditions are simple and listed on their accounts Bio .

Account the characteristics of the "Group Tweets " can be searched easily . Typically , this type of accounts is the account type of advertising , such as @ and @ JagonyaJualan RuangBelanja . You can mention me regularly these accounts to promote merchandise . If you are interesting merchandise , both of description and picture , there will be followers of " Group Tweet " alat bantu sex which will follow you .
Portion Uses for Twitter bisnis online

' Haram ' law if the continuous ' sale ' on Twitter . You will not get followers when you are ' selling ' continuously. Why ? Because in fact , Twitter was not created for this purpose . People will not be happy and would not be keen to follow if you are always promotions . For that , there needs to be a specific strategy to divide the types of uses Twitter . Namely , should netpreneur use 35 % to tweet ads , 50 % to build a self-image , and 15 % personal tweet .
35 % Tweet Ad alat bantu sex

At the beginning of the use of a Twitter account , netpreneur can always make use of the accounts of the " Group Tweet " to promote the merchandise as described in point number 3 . When followers have achieved considerable numbers , netpreneur must remain disciplined with a composition of 35 % . That is, netpreneur can use Twitter for promotional purposes or advertisements as much as 35 % of Twitter usage overall .
50% of Tweets to Build Image

Tweet to build a positive image pulau tidung of the usefulness of Twitter is real . Two key ingredients that make people be interested to follow an account are : 1 ) his tweets informative and useful , and 2 ) his tweets entertaining .

Instead, netpreneur more use the first option for this purpose , namely providing useful information as well as useful in 50 % tweet used . Obviously , the image is built from here should be relevant to the main merchandise netpreneur . For example , you are a trader camera . So , you should tweet more often contained matters relating to the camera . For example , " Camera Caring Tips " , " Lens Care Tips " , " Tips and Tricks Photography Techniques " , and so forth . Likewise if you are a trader bike . Tweet - tweet generated should be like " Bike Care Tips " , " Downhill Techniques " , or even netpreneur gowes could inform an event together , for example .

The end goal is to make netpreneur known as an expert in these categories . The more information that is easy and entertaining language , pulau tidung the more likely it will tweet retweeted by followers . Thus , the possibility to add new followers are also getting bigger .
15 % Personal TweetOnline sales using social media is still a central issue in discussions E - commerce in Indonesia. Originally , Facebook was a hero for selling various products online , either product alone , amazon affiliate , reseller or affiliate Indonesia to dropship .
But now , been able to chirp on Twitter burble - burble incarnated as that can result in significant money if it worked well until a strong branding .
Sporadic typical Twitter style information dissemination is very favorable seller to continue to communicate with their targeted consumers . Moreover, Twitter is the only social media ' ga complicated to interact with each other , though privacy can still be maintained.
Way of promotion on Twitter
Selling online with alat bantu sex promotion via Twitter arguably tricky . Because it is in fact like this , if overly aggressive others would regard us as a spammer , and does not deserve to be heard . But if less appropriate or sink current will also be eaten wheels ' timeline ' . :)
So , how should the promotion or selling via Twitter ?
1 . Focus on the goalBefore active jamming twit , pulau pari first determine the purpose of the account . Is to get clients , sell , offer services , and others. This focus as a compass to determine the direction that we in the Twitter -an activity that was not lost on the road and lost control of himself even to forget the original purpose .
2 . Soft selling / Indirect SalesBasically people make a Twitter account is to interact socially in cyberspace and to update the information in accordance with the interest owned . So , if the parties meet with a method of selling ' hard selling ' tend to be shy .
3 . actively interactActive socialize and interact obat pembesar penis with the Twitter community , whether it's jamming twit various useful things ( of course, that in accordance with point 1 , focus ) , retweet , favorite or even if you need to communicate with the Direct message ( direct messages ) .
4 . Twitter Bio uniquely attractiveIf you understand , it should be on your business Bio Twitter is actually pulau pari offered strong . At Bio This twitter tweps must use firm and reassuring words about the business that is being built and offered , complete with contact information .
Twitter Bio examples of @ lensa_bisnis :Twitter Bio uniquely attractiveTwitter Bio uniquely attractive and Effective for business
So , avoid writing a bio on Twitter is not worth ' sell ' if the goal is to create an account u / online media campaign via Twitter . Twitter bio profiles can be analogous to the ' net or fishing line ' which has been fitted to obtain bait ' fish ' is maximal .
5 . Miracle of GivingYeah right ' Miracle of Giving ' , the magic of giving. :-) Wrote such books , same with the real world , giving activity ( with sincerity of course ... ) will give a positive miracle for the giver .
What's the point ? , Before we hope that other people alat bantu sex  do good to us with a retweet or tweet mem - favorites status of our business , so my friend had to give first. If it turns out that my friend give the reward is not worth it , then take it , continue the good habits then one day my friend will receive benefits ( prove it ! )
One of the important things on Twitter is you still appear as a human . No need to always be formal in their behavior on Twitter . Instead , when netpreneur tell you things are trivial , followers will love . pulau pari Remember , however , and for whatever a brand , people prefer the brand humanist .
What do you think ? In your opinion , what are the advantages of Twitter to promote products that you sell ? Share your opinion in the comment section of this article !How did it happen ? Although followers of our obat telat bulan  account only one person , but with this trick , blog viewable by millions of twitter followers . I share a trick that is very easy to learn , and that article we appeared on millions of account holders twitter timeline , it only takes about 10 minutes . The result is like a website or a blog series on the Noble Investama Networks are a few key words , article won the first page of search engines . As we all know , in addition to good quality articles and systematic , promotional articles that directs a person to visit ( itensitas visits ) bisnis online to our blog also affects the position of blogs on search engines .The first thing we do is to follow the following term or multiple accounts under . To reach millions of followers , please follow all of the accounts listed . After that prepare a media word or notepad and write these words as a series of promotional advertising our blog . Immediately, I give examples of practice, write like this :You want trusted gold credit and low interest ? Please click http://mulia-investama.co.idor friend can also write words like these :You want to learn a cool technique sunset photo ? Please click http://www.nelsonsitompul.com/2013/02/tips-fotografi-obyek-bidikan-sunset.htmlAfter that copy the sentence at the top of the menu or compose tweet mentions ( if using twitter ) or on the menu at the new tweet uber social twitter pulau pari account . Way to copy it to the sentence structure preceded twitter account :

@ iklanbekasi . Followernya number 8265 . Terms followed hastag # iklanbekasi . So you simply write the following:

@ iklanbekasi you want trusted gold credit and low interest ? Please click http://mulia-investama.co.id # iklanbekasi and then send a tweet. Wait a moment , then the advertising campaign will retweet your blog . So it will obat telat bulan appear in the timeline of his 8265 followers .

@ detikads . Number 18 384 followers . Terms followed hastag # detikads

@ detikads you want trusted gold credit and low interest ? Please click http://mulia-investama.co.id # detikads

@ otomatisiklan . 9354 number of followers . Terms followed hastag # selling

@ otomatisiklan you want trusted gold credit and jasa pembuatan toko online murah low interest ? Please click http://mulia-investama.co.id # selling

@ Jual_Beli . Number of followers 20726 . Terms followed hastag # wts

@ iklanmedan . Number of Followers 4780 . Unconditional hastag

@ iklanmedan you want trusted gold credit and low interest ? Please click http://mulia-investama.co.id

@ iklanbarison . pulau pari 9676 number of followers . Terms followed hastag # iklanbarisonline
@ promojkt . 8630 number of followers . Without followed hastag
@ jktsale . Number 11 594 followers . Terms followed hastag # jktsale
@ iklanonlineshop . Number 38 427 followers . Without followed hastag
@ iklan24jam . Follower number 32779 . Without followed hastag
@ buatseseorang . Follower number 610 420 . Followed ( @ your account ) # buatseseorang

@ buatseseorang want trusted gold credit and low interest ? Please click http://mulia-investama.co.id ( @ muliainvestama ) # buatseseorang
Pal should consider are:

Must follow all the above account and many more accounts on twitter ads
Process or compose tweet mention must be made on his twitter account . Can not be done directly from your blog
Note the number of characters , not more than 120 characters to be in retweet
Pay attention to the promotion that requires hastag or not
To be able to be read by millions of followers , blog promotion advertisement must be in Retweeted by them . So if within half an hour yet pasang iklan online  in retweet , please try again.
Easy is not it ? so with blogs in the promotion trick millions of twitter followers , the ad campaign will retweet your blog and read by millions of followers . If 10 % are tempted to click on your ads pulled , then imagine there are hundreds of thousands of visitors come to your blog . And in a short time the first page of the search engines you will achieve. Congratulations promote .

Post By : Jasa SEO Murah dan Jasa Desain Website Murah