Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014

Zusammen mit der Entwicklung

Zusammen mit der Entwicklung von Lebensmitteln sowie die Entstehung einer Reihe von innovativen Lebensmittelverarbeitung macht Jackfrüchte, die eine relativ kurze Haltbarkeit sie in raffinierte Produkte mit langer Haltbarkeit und genügend Nachfrage von der Öffentlichkeit hat. Daher kann Jack Anbau eine vielversprechende Geschäftsmöglichkeit sein. Nach dem letzten Artikel haben wir über die Bereitstellung von Saatgut und Pflanz Medien, konzentriert sich dieser Artikel mehr Jackfrüchte-Anbau in Pflanztechniken und Wartung der Anlage.SARANG303.COM AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA
D. ENGINEERING PENANAMANKelebihan Jackjackbaum mini als normal ist nicht unbedingt weit verbreitet Anbaufläche. Natürlich ist es ein Mini. In der Tat, zusätzlich zu dem Boden, Pflanzen in großen Töpfen gezüchtet werden.

Der Besitzer des Farmers Barokah in Majalengka, West Java, Surachman sagen, wenn Sie die Pflanzen länger leben wollen, sollten Land bieten 2 Meter x 2 Meter, einen Baum zu pflanzen.

Nach ihm, der wichtigste der Mini Jack Anbau ist zu halten, der Boden feucht bleibt. "Wenn es zu trocken ist, kann die Anlage stressig sein und lässt viel Verlust", sagte Surachman.

Sabtu, 27 September 2014

How to Start a Fish Farming Gurame / Gurami
Price carp are relatively more expensive than other fish which determine make a lot of carp for cultivated. Cultivation of carp can be run to adjust the capital. From small capital to the capital besarpun can to improve the cultivation of this carp. By therefore cultivation of carp is open to anyone.

To my friend who does not have a sufficient pal can Taruhan bola cultivate carp from the pond using a tarp. Carp essentially need adequate water. Pool of tarps can mate created even in narrow places. Had my friend take care of the patient carp continue to grow well.

cultivation of carp

Buddy can make carp pond with a tarp with a flexible way to adjust the existing place and anywhere. For example in the yard, in the fields, and so on. When an artificial tarp size is not too big buddy would certainly not be able to keep carp in large amounts. When forced to certainly be a lot of natural death. So the number of fish must be matched with the size of the pool. For the size of 1m2 pool with a depth of 90 cm or less can contain 10 fish weighing 2 guramih 5 ounces.

When the carp had greater then the amount should be reduced. If this is not done then need to add enough water filters, carany that the tarp to drain the pool water pump to the filter system, after passing the filter water back into the pond.

Can be done in two ways as follows:

     Dig the soil to a certain depth is usually about 90 cm, then tarps installed on the dugouts.
     Installing the tarp on the ground (no digging), with the help of a wooden frame of iron tau, tarpaulins strung together to resemble tub. The first load is not too heavy tarp when given water, the second way allows us to do the replacement
POKERPELANGI.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA and cleaning the pool. With the hose we could suck dirt pool tarp with ease. In the cultivation of carp pond carp tarp shit needs to be issued (shiftpond), so that the health and cleanliness of the water is maintained.

Kamis, 11 September 2014

Bak airator equipado con peces que se utiliza comúnmente en acuarios. El agua del paseo de pez y el riego de tuberías Paralon como plataforma cultivos vegetales. Raíces vegetales filtrarán los contenedores de agua los peces una vez al fertilizante. "El agua se devuelve al baño para limpiar el crecimiento de los peces", dijo Mering.
Bueno, esta vez vamos a hablar de los medios de siembra de uso general para el cultivo de vegetales orgánicos en bolsas de polietileno o macetas. Los materiales utilizados son materiales que están fácilmente disponibles en la naturaleza y se puede hacer usted mismo. ¿Cómo vamos a utilizar para describir el cultivo orgánico adecuado, ya que no
303palace.com Agen Judi Bola SBOBET IBCBET Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014 utiliza fertilizantes químicos, pesticidas, herbicidas, y otras drogas. Mediante una suficiente medios plantación
La plantación de los medios de comunicación tiene funciones para mantener los cultivos, proporcionar nutrientes, y proporcionar un lugar para que las raíces de las plantas para crecer y florecer. Las plantas de los medios de siembra tardías obtienen la mayor parte nutricional. Para el cultivo en macetas o contenedores de bolsas de polietileno, la plantación de los medios de comunicación hechos en lugar de tierra. Por lo tanto, debe ser capaz de reemplazar la función de la tierra para los cultivos.
Los buenos medios de siembra deben tener las propiedades de la física, la química y la biología para adaptarse a las necesidades de los cultivos. En general, un buen medio de plantación debe tener las siguientes condiciones:

Jumat, 05 September 2014

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Rabu, 30 Juli 2014

Juurakko kokous ilveily myydään markkinoilla.
Indonesiassa, vain osa, jota käytetään on juurakon kokouksen buffoonery tehdään godog yrttejä. Juurakko sisältää 48-59,64% tärkkelystä, 1,6-2,2% ja 1,48-1,63% kurkuma ja eteeriset öljyt uskotaan parantavan munuaisten toimintaa ja tulehdusta. Toinen hyöty juurakosta tämä kasvi on kuin lääke akne, lisääntynyt ruokahalu, anti-kolesteroli, tulehdusta, anemia, antioksidantti, syövän ehkäisyä, ja mikrobilääkkeiden.

Badak88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014Sentra istutus
Tämä kasvi on kasvanut perinteisesti pienessä mittakaavassa käyttäen yksinkertaisia ​​viljely tekniikkaa, koska se on vaikea määrittää aseman keskustassa inkivääri viljely Indonesiassa. Lähes kaikilla maaseutualueilla, erityisesti keski-ja korkea tasangoilla, inkivääri löytyy lähinnä varjoisaan paikkaan. Näkökohdat vesiviljely
Siemenet saatu kasvullisesti taimet kasvavat juurakot oli 9 kuukautta vanha tai enemmän, sitten siemenet ditunaskan ensin kostealla ja pimeässä paikassa 2-3 viikkoa ennen istutusta [1]. Toinen tapa saada siemeniä on leikata vanhat juurakosta juuri korjattu ja jo versot (kukin koostuu 2-3 silmuja), sitten kuivataan auringossa kuivattua 4-6 päivää [2]. Inkivääri pitäisi istuttaa aikaisin sadekausi, joka tuotti suuria juurakko, kasvi olisi myös annettava varjossa [1].
Istutus viljellään kuokat 25-30 senttimetriä syvä, ja vuoteet, mittaus 3-4 metriä pitkä mukaan koko maa, vesi poistuu niin, että juuret eivät kastelemalla ja lahoa [5]. Istutus reikä tehty koko 20 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm x 100 senttimetrin väli x 75 tuumaa, jokaisessa istutus reikä laittaa 2-3 kiloa lantaa [1]. Istutus siemeniä voidaan tehdä myös uraan istutus / rorak pitkin sänkyä, sitten lanta samanaikaisesti kylvetyt uraa pitkin, aseta siemen juurakoita 7,5-10 senttimetriä syvä silmut ylöspäin [5].
Kasvien huolto rikkakasvien tehdään niin paljon kuin 2-5 kertaa, riippuen rikkaruohojen kasvua, kun taas maa-pembumbunan tehty, kun on olemassa monia juurakot, jotka kasvavat tönäisi ulos maasta [1]. Paras sato aika tavata ilveily iässä 11-12 kuukausi seurauksena enemmän ja laadukkaampaa kuin täyttävät ilveily kerätään iässä 7-8 kuukautta [5]. Korjuu tapahtuu kaivamalla tai pura maaperään noin juurakosta haarukalla tai kuokka [1]. Kasvu Ilmasto

Luonnollisesti inkivääri kasvaa hyvin varjoisassa maalla ja suojassa kuumalta auringolta. Luonnollisessa elinympäristössä tämän perheen kasvien viihty

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vät varjossa bambusta tai teak. Kuitenkin, inkivääri voi myös helposti löydettävissä paikoissa kuten paahtavan kuivalla maalla. Yleensä tämä kasvi on helposti muunnettavissa eri sää tropiikissa.
Ilman lämpötila on hyvä viljelyyn näiden kasvien välillä 19-30 ° C
Nämä kasvit vaativat vuotuinen sademäärä välillä 1000-4000 mm / vuosi.
Inkivääriä voi sopeutua hyvin maannostyypilleen sekä kalkkipitoinen maaperä, hiekkainen, hieman hiekkainen ja raskas maaperä savinen. Kuitenkin tuottaa optimaalisen juurakko tarvitaan hedelmällinen maaperä, löysä ja hyvin valutettu. Näin epäorgaaninen ja orgaaninen lannoite on tarpeen riittävän ravinteiden ja ylläpitää maan rakennetta pysyäkseen löysä. Maaperän sisältävä orgaaninen aines on tarpeen pitää sateen kastelemalla kentällä ei ole helppoa. Korkeus
Inkivääri voi kasvaa korkeus 5-1000 m / mpy optimaalinen korkeus on 750 m / mpy. Korkein tärkkelyspitoisuus on juurakot saatu viljellyistä kasveista korkeudessa 240 m / mpy. Ginger on kasvanut ylängöllä tuottavat juurakoita joka sisältää hyvin vähän haihtuvaa öljyä. Tämä kasvi sopii paremmin kehitetään keskellä leveysasteilla. Tuholaiset ja taudit

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Sabtu, 19 Juli 2014

 Utilization of marine resources is not only done through arrests, but also need to be developed farming, one of which is a marine aquaculture. RAJAPOKER88.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYACurrently more mariculture development leads to high economic fish and pearl oysters, while in Indonesian waters are still a lot of marine biota that can still be developed and have high economic value, one of which is the shells of abalone (Haliotis asinina). Development of abalone shellfish farming in the future has a bright prospect, given that some of its advantages both from cultivation to marketing techniques (Casks et al, 2006). Haliotis asinina Linnaeus 1758 is a tropical abalone species that can be found in Eastern Indonesia (Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua). Farming activities to produce abalone seed production is a very important component because of the availability of seed on a very limited nature can not be relied upon for cultivation and consumption. SEAFDEC data in 2007 showed that the market can not meet the global demand for 7,000 tonnes of abalone (Susanto et al, 2009). High economic value abalone prestige influence those who consume them. Abalone abroad can be expensive exotic foods. One of the restaurants in Hong Kong displaying the menu of products on the internet called Congee with Abalone sells for $ 82 (more than USD 700,000.00) (Bonang, 2008). In addition, the shell has aesthetic value has the potential to be developed in a variety of forms of handicraft. Abalone meat has a high nutrient value with a protein content of 71.99%, fat 3.20%, fiber 5.60%, and 11.11% ash. Shell has aesthetic value that can be used for jewelry, manufacturing of buttons, and various forms of other craft items. Abalone production is currently over much of the catchment in nature. It will nienimbulkan concerns terjadinva deIndotophosting.com Hosting Unlimited dan Domain Murah Terbaik di Indonesiacline in natural populations (Casks et al, 2006). Further argued that the increasing demand for abalone can encourage intensive fishing effort resulting in the production of abalone in the wild abalone was reduced while growth is very slow. This can result in decreased drastically abalone populations in nature. Therefore, efforts to increase the production of abalone should be developed through cultivation.
1.2. Objectives and Benefits


The purpose in writing this is to know maklah Shellfish Aquaculture Abalone (Haliotis asinina) At KJA methods, as well as the stages - stages in Abalone aquaculture businesses, ranging from the initial cultivation process until the harvest and post-harvest processes.

• Benefits to the author that can be understood and understand the methods of cultivation of abalone shells on KJA method. • To Provide Little information concernin
Badak88 Agen Judi Online Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Sambut Piala Dunia 2014g knowledge with cultivation methods Shellfish Abalone (Haliotis asinina) to every person who reads it.

Senin, 14 Juli 2014

También proporcionó el

    También proporcionó el POC WarungTani que dosis de 10 ml / lt de agua, dosis PESO bactericida de 10 ml / lt de agua, dosis PESO Trico / Glio de 10 ml / litro de agua, y la dosis PESO ZPT de 2 ml / litro de agua en el comienzo del crecimiento.
Después de que el hoyo de plantación se hace mediante el uso de una azada.


Distancia entre plantas de coliflor es de 50 x 50 cm para los cultivares de dosel de ancho y 45 x 65 cm para los cultivares de alto.
La mejor época de siembra en la mañana en el horario de 06:00-09:00 o por la tarde entre las horas de 03 a.m.-5:00.
En las plantas de semillero de tubo plátano plantado sale directamente sin perder bumbungnya.
Si-el papel de pared de tubo de plástico o bolsa de plástico, sin semillas, girando el tubo y sacar las semillas con cuidado, sin dañar las raíces utiliza.
Las semillas plantadas en el hoyo de plantación y regadas con una solución de inmediato POC WarungTani Me dosis de 10 ml / lt de agua, dosis PESO bactericida de 10 ml / lt de agua, WT Trico dosis Glio / de 10 ml / litro de agua, y la dosis PESO ZPT de 2 ml / lt de agua hasta que el suelo se moja por completo.

Mantenimiento Puntadas

Si no están dañados o plantas muertas, replantación se puede hacer antes de que la planta era aproximadamente 2 semanas.

El deshierbe se hace en conjunto con penggemburan junto con la fertilización suplementaria es a los 7-10 días después del trasplante (DAT), 20 DAT DAT y 30-35.
Weeding y escarificar debe aplicarse con precaución y no acercarse demasiado a fin de no dañar las raíces superficiales de coliflor.
Al final del crecimiento vegetativo (que entra en el período de floración) detenido el deshierbe.

Brotes sucursales Perempelan hecho tan pronto como sea posible para que el tamaño y la calidad de las flores que forman una masa óptima.
Inmediatamente después de la masa flores, hojas viejos atados de tal manera que las masas de flores sombreadas de la luz solar formado.

ituPoker.com JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA    El cierre sirve para mantener el color de la flor de permanecer blanco.

Jumat, 11 Juli 2014

Chantler, P. & G. Driessens. Swift

 Chantler, P. & G. Driessens. Swift: A guide to the Swift's Treeswift of the World. Pica Press, the Banks. East Sussex, 1995.
Kakakdewa.com Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya     Mackinnon, John. Introduction to Field Guide Birds of Java and Bali. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1994.
Rudi & A. Widodo. Successful Swiftlet houses. Cet. 2. Jakarta: Self spreader, 1998.
Author Tim PS. Cultivation and Business nest Swiftlet. Cet. 4. Jakarta: Self spreader, 1994.

Banteng88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 201412. RELATIONS CONTACT

Rural Community Economic Development Project - Coconut No. Jl.Sunda BAPPENAS. 7 Jakarta, Tel. 021 390 9829, Fax. 021 390 9829
Office of the State Minister for Research and Technology, Correctional Deputy of Administrative and Technology, BPPT Building II, 6th Floor, Jl. No. M.H.Thamrin. 8, Jakarta 10340, Indonesia, Tel. +62 21 316 9166 ~ 69, Fax. +62 21 310 1952, Website: http://www.ristek.go.id
Source: Rural Community Economic Development Project, Ba

Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

Due easily maintained and bred,

Due easily maintained and bred, these fish are farmed in many countries as soon as fish consumption, including in the various regions in Indonesia. However, considering that the meat does not taste special, tilapia also never achieve the high prices. In addiBanteng88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014tion to the sale in a fresh state, tilapia meat fillets are often used. Child types and relative There are several types of tilapia children, among them: O. niloticus niloticus

Oreochromis niloticus Trewavas baringoensis, 1983
Oreochromis niloticus cancellatus (Nichols, 1923)
Oreochromis niloticus eduardianus (Boulenger, 1912)
Oreochromis niloticus Trewavas filoa, 1983
Oreochromis niloticus niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Oreochromis niloticus Trewavas sugutae, 1983
Oreochromis niloticus tana Seyoum & Kornfield, 1992
Oreochromis niloticus vulcani (Trewavas, 1983)
Closely related tilapia tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). And as relatives, too, has potential as a tilapia fish invasive if released into natural water bodies. The genus Oreochromis has high adaptability and tolerance to water quality in a wide range. Members of this genus can live in a harsh envi
KAISARBET.COM AGEN BOLA TERPERCAYA PIALA DUNIA 2014ronment though, because normal life is often found in habitats where other species of freshwater fish can not live. Nutritional Value Tilapia and tilapia is a cheap source of animal protein for human consumption. Because of easy cultivation, the selling price is too low. Cultivation is done in ponds or tanks enlargement. In intensive aquaculture, tilapia and tilapia is not recommended because it is mixed with other fish have aggressive behavior. Values ​​for these fish as less material consumption is the content of omega-6 fatty acids are high while omega-3 fatty acids are low. This composition is not good for those who have diseases related to blood circulation. [1] Cultivation and seeding The first step in the selection of tilapia farming is the parent fish to be bred. As a selected parent fish that have been quite old and ready to spawn. The ideal ratio between male and female parent is 1:3. Solid penebarannya adapted to container or pool maintenance. Tilapia reared in a high population density, growing less rapidly. The next thing to note is the quality of the pool water maintenance. Poor water quality will lead to the growth of the fish to be slow. Some of the parameters that determine water quality, among which: Floating net cages for tilapia maintain Ranu Pakis, Klakah, Lumajang


Temperature or water temperature affects the metabolism and growth of organisms and affect the amount of feed consumed aquatic organisms. Temperature also affects the oxygen dissolved in the water. Optimal temperature for live tilapia in the range of 14-38 ° C. Naturally these fish can spawn at a temperature of 22-37 ° C, but temperatures are good for breeding ranged between 25-30 ° C.


The pH value is an indicator of the level of acidity of water. Several factors affect the pH of water in between photosynthetic activity, temperature, and the pre
Banteng88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014sence of anions and cations. PH values ​​tolerated tilapia ranges from 5 to 11, but the optimal growth and development is in the range of pH 7-8.

Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014

El consumo de fruta fresca para reducir la fiebre, y los frutos secos como una cura para el insomnio. Las hojas contienen quercetina, las propiedades antioxidantes y antivirales, y se utiliza en el tratamiento de alergias, cáncer, diabetes y enfermedad cardiova303palace.com Agen Judi Bola SBOBET IBCBET Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014 scular. Semillas trituradas producen espuma, que se usa como un champú. La madera utilizada en la construcción de muebles y otros bienes. Este árbol también se planta como ornamental.

Bebidas frescas y hechas de carne de Longan comido primero vienen en latas (Canning). Las semillas contienen saponinas que son buenas para el champú de lavado el pelo. Las hojas se usan comúnmente en la medicina tradicional contra penyalat en porque contienen quercetina. Holt se puede utilizar para hacer leña del árbol justo cuando el rambután. La cosecha de litchi es beneficioso para el jardín, una forma de protección y conservación de la tierra es empinada.

Las condiciones de crecimiento
Longan adecuado para ser plantados en las tierras bajas entre 200-600 m sobre el nivel del mar son de tipo climático húmedo con una estación seca de no más de cuatro meses. El agua subterránea entre 50-200 cm. Precipitaciones 1500-3000 mm por año, con un 9-12 meses 2-4 meses húmedos y secos. Mientras que los cultivos llevó más divertido en una meseta alta entre 900-l.000 m sobre el nivel del mar.


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De cultivos hecho por injerto e injerto. Multiplicación de semillas no está recomendado para la edad berbuahnya el tiempo suficiente (más de siete años). Además, las plántulas de semillas a menudo crecen en masculino longan que no pueden dar fruto. Injertar plántulas / injertos comienzan a fruta a la edad de cuatro. Cortesía de los cultivos plantados en Longan espaciamiento de 8 mx 10 m ó 10 mx 10 m en el hoyo que mide 60 cm x 60 cm x 50 cm. Cada hoyo es dada la madurez del estiércol por 20 kg. Fertilizante artificial propuesta por L00-300 g de urea, TSP 300-800 g (400-1000 kg SP-36), y L00-300 g de KCl por planta. Fertilizante recibió tres veces a intervalos de tres meses. Después de la cosecha de la fruta, la aplicación de fertilizante una vez suficiente de 300 g de urea, 800 g de TSP, y 300 g de KCl por árbol. Preservación
La preservación es importante podar las ramas improductivas y las ramitas de la cubierta de copas. Por lo tanto, el sol puede moverse con el resto de la rama. Parásitos de plantas (parasitismo) se deben desechar de forma rápida. Plantas Litchi incluyendo fácil de cultivar, pero difícil de floración. Por lo tanto, la estimulación requerida con la floración calle tallos son la unión de un metro por encima del nivel del suelo firme. Stem 2-3 veces una herida circular co
SUNDULBET, AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA n alambre de acero. Las plantas comienzan la floración a la edad de 4-6 años. Por lo general, estas plantas florecen entre julio y octubre. Frutas madurez de cinco meses después de que las flores florecen.

Minggu, 29 Juni 2014

Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King.) Is a plant of high economic value because wood is a good material for a variety of purposes, such as building materials, home furnishings, jewelry boxes.
Mahogany can grow with good results in open places exposed to direct sunlight and good in low, or high plateau that is up to 1000 m height above sea level. For crops that grow well and healthy, plant or soil media should be planted fertile, friable and well organized drainage.
In accordance with the government's determination to green critical slowly through the "One Million Trees Movement", then several big cities in Indonesia its performance greening and beautifying the town. This movement while focusing on reforestation activities, thus helping to contribute to the income of farmers, in the case of procurement of seeds. There is great when mahogany was selected as one of the crop for this movement. The mahogany also gives you several advantages including: aesthetic benefits, hydrological benefits, benefits klimatologis and protective benefits (Nazaruddin, 1994).
One important factor to determine the success of planting mahogany is the availability of quality seeds, this is related to the process of germination. One very important factor in the germination process that is the availability of water. Water is one of the factors that are absolutely necessary and can not be replaced by other factors such as the provision of the stimulus or behavior to drive so that the seed can germinate. The initial process of germination is imbibition process ie inflow of water into the seed. In this process the need to get attention is the final water content after imbibition, because the seeds will germinate only if the water content in the seed reaches 50-60%. The amount of water needed varies for all kinds of beans, and also to respond to environmental humidity. This is related to the influence of moisture within the aerated seeds.
Techniques mahogany seed soaking with different time meant that earned a seed with the water absorption capacity of the most optimal. Factors that influence the imbibition process are:
SenangPoker.com Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesia temperature, humidity environment, the skin permeability of the seed, the chemical in the seeds, long binji in humid conditions (non-protected) Abidin (1984).
For these farmers to plant mahogany that is still using the traditional way of planting seeds directly in the soil seedbed mahogany without prior soaking process. As a result the process of germination last a long time.

B. The Meaning and Purpose
1. Knowing description mahogany (Swietenia mahogany L.)
2. Knowing how a good crop cultivation and true mahogany
3. Knowing the function of mahogany for the environment and human

Until now, the productivity of natural forests has declined very sharply in line with increasing forest exploitation continues to be needed to meet the demand of wood. To solve this problem then the development of wood-producing forest crop sebagaai good for the industry, carpentry, wood and other energy should ditingkaatkan forest area with the addition of plant material as well as the use of crop yield superior breeding. By using plant material needs through good breeding activity will increase and the quality of the perpendicular produtivitasnya produced.
Of crop is the set of activities required to prepare the plant material to research activities as well as extensive planting program. The preparation of the seeds that have
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Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014

If the standpipe in perperpendek

If the standpipe in perperpendek, by disconnecting the sambunganya, then the water will come out of the main channel parallel to the water surface. With the nozzle, the mouth can be installed multiple main siphon system with a different SARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAlevel of a yaqng so high the water level can be set by opening the standpipe according to height at which the desired layout modified pipes planted in the castle / embankment on the main channel should pay attention to the tide of data that need to be made in the field of technical npersyaratan as follows;
The highest high tide data (APTPT) is a tide of data that commonly occur during the full moon muncunya (chinese calendar months 14,15 and 16.Data on average tide is barely water data that was obtained from a sample of high tide (any chinese calendar date 1, 7, 11, 15,19,23 and 27) To obtain the average of the data must be in total the first and then in the seventh .
Data highest water receded (AST) is a low tide of data that memeiki most surfaces steeper.
The average low tide data (ASRR0, the daily low tide is a data that was obtained from a sample measurement, the next in the number of samples that can be in the know figure average.
Low tide data (ASR) is the data that is in the water receded below and above the data AST ASRPR.

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Preservation of buffer zone
Penyanga region is absolutely necessary to secure the embankment from erosion and the effects of pollution, the buffer zone is a natural bio-filter can reduce the concentration of materials that do not want excessive organic materials such as pathogens and harmful metals are soluble in water fiter Bio serves as a buffer area of ​​vegetation cover Mangrove and mussels / barnacles / slug stuck in akarbakau mangrove is a plant that grows in coastal areas near the mouth, many mangrove species that can be encountered in the area around the mouth of the river, but many plant mangroves in estuaries yak encounter in the suburb of types Rhizofora , where the roots hanging karma is important for growing plants in water.
Mangrove forests serve to dampen wind and avoid land erosion by river water ponds / Paluh, and as a natural food source yan extra-fertile. Dilahan planted mangrove trees bordering the river to avoid abrasion of water erosion on Ahan.
To add tillage Cultivation of Gracilaria sp seaweed, milkfish fish and tiger prawns.

LIGADAUN.COM AGEN TARUHAN BOLA PIALA DUNIA 2014 CASINO TANGKAS POKER ONLINE TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA1 Drying ponds,Pengerinan pond needs to be done in order to land the pond under sunlight sunburnt today peneringan aims to pests such as snails, barnacles and oysters write serindit Baktere disease causes death, peneringan done for a few days until the surface of the pond soil looks dry and crack crack

Senin, 16 Juni 2014

Esto podría ser un modelo de RUV

"Esto podría ser un modelo de RUV y copiar y pegarlo en otra muy distinta es aplicar otros artesanos grupo de cabeza" luz Atih. Productos jacinto de agua producidos RUV Flor Ilung propias variantes y la creación de diversos y de calidad para competir con el sistema de comercialización basado en los pedidos de clientes. Este tipo de técnica de marketing Atih apoyo para que el producto no se desperdicia. "No debemos asumir que todos los productos deben ser vendidos en el mercado", dijo. Atih sugieren Dikuperindag asistido Nacional manualidades Barrio Consejo de análisis de mercado conducta (Dekranasda) HSU en el desarrollo de productos y purun nave jacinto tan claramente el mercado objetivo.
A través del Programa Kiid, el Ministerio de Industria, Gobierno HSU ayudar en el fortalecimiento de los sectores de la industria artesanal se incluyen en el programa de modo que la capacidad de formar competencias básicas a largo plazo para el avance de las áreas de la industria y de impacto. "Así que, aunque purun materiales fuera de plazo o jacinto de agua industria artesanal se ha reducido, pero sigue existiendo e independiente", concluyó. (Edy)

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Mardani dice:
19 de enero 2014 a las 3:35 am

Amén que malihat condiciones actuales ngalih Banar iwak ma dah, kada bahuma pero kawa porque Banyu nang badalam basurut,, bueno hay malihat ulun tivi en ilung utilización, puede haber carbón si wan brket gasolina de energía alternativa, que sea nos motiva juntos. agencias relacionadas ruegan a ver el potencial de los recursos existentes, sobre todo en zonas ricas en ilung bajo TSB,