Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014

 Mensyi Jasmine (Jasmine primulinum, jasmine pimrose).
Jasmine Sims revolutum (jasmine Italy)
Simplicifolium Jasmine (jasmine Australia, J. volibile, m. Stars)
Jasmine hybrid. Pink and fragrant flowers.

SARANAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA The type and Bed varietes in the island of Java, among others:

Jasmine. Sambac (Jasmine White), among other varieties: Maid of Orleans, Grand Duke of Tuscany, and Rose Pikeke Menur
Jasmine. multiflorum (Star Jasmine)
Jasmine officinale (jasmine Gambir)
3. BENEFITS OF PLANTSUseful as a jasmine flower sow, industrial materials perfume, cosmetics, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, decorate wreaths and tea mix ingredients or fragrances.4. CENTER INVESTMENTIn Indonesian jasmine plant propagation centers are concentrated in Central Java, especially in all district, Purbalingga and Tegal.5. TERMS OF GROWTH5.1. Climate

Rainfall is 112-119 mm / month with 6-9 days of rain / month, and has a dry climate with 2-3 months and 5-6 months wet.
Air temperature 28-36 degrees C during the day and night temperature 24-30 degrees C,
Air humidity (RH) which is suitable for the cultivation of 50-80%.
In addition to the development of the most suitable jasmine cultivation in the area gets enough sunlight.
5.2. Growing Media

Jasmine plants generally thrive on soil type Podsolic Red Yellow (FMD), and andosol latosol.
Jasmine plants need soil to loamy sand texture, aeration and good drainage, fertile, friable, contains a lot of organic matter and have.
The degree of acidity of the soil is good for growing these plants is pH = 5-7.

  1.  ADRO TEXTILE Konveksi Murah Indonesia – Tlp 081362666444 !
5.3. The Altitude

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