Selasa, 24 Desember 2013

Tanda Wanita Mengajak Anda Ke Ranjang

For you - you guys who have a spouse usually if you want to have intercourse ( dut der smack bam - _ - " ) like give signs - signs at your partner , or even directly travel pulau tidung maen maen nyosor spoke and wrote ( ckckck abaaaang wait ! ! > _ < ) . Vice versa with the girls , mostly girls cuman vulgar ato directly deliver his message but through the sign - a sign that he did . Well here is a sign - a sign invites if girls want another " race science " in bed :1 . Arrived - arrived BAEEKKK Banget !
If you come home from work continuously greeted warmly by your wife , coffee already prepared , already rede dinner , take a bath uda ready aer anget plus dimandiin anyway , then massaged dlu finished eating . Well possibility dya want invites agan for " race science " ! But before that make sure it dlu Bener not , because maybe there wants laen wrote , for example, arrived - arrived dibeliin BB 'm new ( @ _ @ ) . So clay Signs Second !
2 . So spoiled and Coquette One ! ! !
Dizziness Wiiih not that? ? already spoiled plus flirty ! Eits , but calm down ! Her usual if girls want another " yeah uh uh no .. " she was so spoiled that fun and flirty fun anyway . For example , arrived - wisata unik pulau tidung arrived nyender then ask for in a massage in certain parts of the " fun " ( heuheuheu ... )
3 . Automatic Romance ! ?
Well this is rather confuse , usually a day - day ignored me now arrived - arrived and suddenly - suddenly your spouse so romantic RUAARRR ORDINARY .. nah it can also be a sign - a sign that he gave again if dya want " in de hoy " ama agan - agan .
4 . So Dimly room - lit ! !
If agan then came into the room - the room jembatan cinta pulau tidung  got really surprised a lot of candle lights which then dies - where there are beds plus leaves - leaf frangipani flowers , do not be surprised ! The lights are damaged or not someone has died .. No ! No ! No ! it is an effort of your partner in order to create the impression of a romantic and raise your mood . So , it is also a sign - a sign dya again invites agan for Air " ahoy " ria . ;)
5 . Wearing Apparel Sexy Seductive nan ...
If your partner is usually at night sleep with a T-shirt plus shorts moldy ass holes then arrived - arrived dya wear sexy lingerie and underwear G - String HOT kayak . It is already clear is an invitation for you , so do not siain prepare your warships and berangkiiittzzz
6 . Direct invites !
Well if your partner has issued 5 Steps to Heaven but somehow there is tired , not in the mood , ato blind idiot ! nyadar not all of it .. Usually your partner invites you to direct the light - publicly . If uda so yes there it is , immediately wrote in brush bro : D
Well guess - guess it's a sign - a sign that I can share , it applies at least my Bagu and pembuatan web toko online couples sayah ( legal wife you know ) , for you ? ya might work might not , but at least worth a try right? cheers ! !

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