Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

Pasang iklan di Twitter

pasang iklan baris gratis tanpa daftar - As we all know , almost all bloggers dream blog or article to the first page position in search engines . Even for those who are able to do it , is hoping that his position was not eliminated . Well this time I would like to share tricks campaign twitter account specifically for owners , especially those who have fewer followers but his article on page stopped millions twitter account .ndonesia included in the top five countries of Twitter users after the United States , Brazil , Japan , and the UK . Number of Twitter users in Indonesia alone per month in February 2012 to reach 19 . 5 million people . This data is the result of research from obat telat bulan Semiocast , social media research institute , based in Paris , France .Research results from Semiocast , social media research institute , based in Paris , France , in 2012
By doing so , Twitter became one of the potential media for image building and trade , both for individuals and companies . Figures in the table indicate the presence of traffic information were fantastic . Many brands are already making use of Twitter to promote because of the ease of information distribution . Distribution of information in Twitter happen easily and quickly . Only with a click through 1-2 .
Not a netpreneur ( online entrepreneur ) beginners who are confused how to use Twitter to promote and establish itself as a brand image . The main difficulty will always be experienced by colleagues who had just made ​​a Twitter account is the minimum number of followers . Without followers , we like talking in a vacuum . Talk or tweet but no audience . It is peluang usaha online not easy , but simple way to capture a lot of followers that could be done .

Invite All Contacts In Email

Invite all co- existing in email contact list to follow for your account . Twitter provides this feature . This method is the simplest steps to inform the existence of Twitter accounts that you 've got to all associates .

How: Click on " # Discover " at the Twitter obat pembesar penis  page . Then , select the " Find Friends " . After that , it will exit the dialog box or email options . You just choose which one to use email . Then , click on " Search Contacts " . Furthermore , netpreneur will find the option " Invite ... ( contact list ) to Join Twitter " .
Always Embed Username Twitter Account

We recommend that you always include the address or Twitter account on each web page , the Business, business cards , email signature even used . Be sure to always include the address or Twitter account at every opportunity . This is the second easiest step to inform where your Twitter account .
Follow Account - Account Group Tweet

Find and follow the accounts obat telat bulan  of the " Group Tweet " for a chance to be known and recognized by their followers . One of the features provided by Twitter is " Group Tweet " . Account " Group Tweets " will automatically retweet any tweet you mention in each of you . Usually , there are certain terms and conditions to be retweeted . A seller does not have to worry because most of these conditions are simple and listed on their accounts Bio .

Account the characteristics of the "Group Tweets " can be searched easily . Typically , this type of accounts is the account type of advertising , such as @ and @ JagonyaJualan RuangBelanja . You can mention me regularly these accounts to promote merchandise . If you are interesting merchandise , both of description and picture , there will be followers of " Group Tweet " alat bantu sex which will follow you .
Portion Uses for Twitter bisnis online

' Haram ' law if the continuous ' sale ' on Twitter . You will not get followers when you are ' selling ' continuously. Why ? Because in fact , Twitter was not created for this purpose . People will not be happy and would not be keen to follow if you are always promotions . For that , there needs to be a specific strategy to divide the types of uses Twitter . Namely , should netpreneur use 35 % to tweet ads , 50 % to build a self-image , and 15 % personal tweet .
35 % Tweet Ad alat bantu sex

At the beginning of the use of a Twitter account , netpreneur can always make use of the accounts of the " Group Tweet " to promote the merchandise as described in point number 3 . When followers have achieved considerable numbers , netpreneur must remain disciplined with a composition of 35 % . That is, netpreneur can use Twitter for promotional purposes or advertisements as much as 35 % of Twitter usage overall .
50% of Tweets to Build Image

Tweet to build a positive image pulau tidung of the usefulness of Twitter is real . Two key ingredients that make people be interested to follow an account are : 1 ) his tweets informative and useful , and 2 ) his tweets entertaining .

Instead, netpreneur more use the first option for this purpose , namely providing useful information as well as useful in 50 % tweet used . Obviously , the image is built from here should be relevant to the main merchandise netpreneur . For example , you are a trader camera . So , you should tweet more often contained matters relating to the camera . For example , " Camera Caring Tips " , " Lens Care Tips " , " Tips and Tricks Photography Techniques " , and so forth . Likewise if you are a trader bike . Tweet - tweet generated should be like " Bike Care Tips " , " Downhill Techniques " , or even netpreneur gowes could inform an event together , for example .

The end goal is to make netpreneur known as an expert in these categories . The more information that is easy and entertaining language , pulau tidung the more likely it will tweet retweeted by followers . Thus , the possibility to add new followers are also getting bigger .
15 % Personal TweetOnline sales using social media is still a central issue in discussions E - commerce in Indonesia. Originally , Facebook was a hero for selling various products online , either product alone , amazon affiliate , reseller or affiliate Indonesia to dropship .
But now , been able to chirp on Twitter burble - burble incarnated as that can result in significant money if it worked well until a strong branding .
Sporadic typical Twitter style information dissemination is very favorable seller to continue to communicate with their targeted consumers . Moreover, Twitter is the only social media ' ga complicated to interact with each other , though privacy can still be maintained.
Way of promotion on Twitter
Selling online with alat bantu sex promotion via Twitter arguably tricky . Because it is in fact like this , if overly aggressive others would regard us as a spammer , and does not deserve to be heard . But if less appropriate or sink current will also be eaten wheels ' timeline ' . :)
So , how should the promotion or selling via Twitter ?
1 . Focus on the goalBefore active jamming twit , pulau pari first determine the purpose of the account . Is to get clients , sell , offer services , and others. This focus as a compass to determine the direction that we in the Twitter -an activity that was not lost on the road and lost control of himself even to forget the original purpose .
2 . Soft selling / Indirect SalesBasically people make a Twitter account is to interact socially in cyberspace and to update the information in accordance with the interest owned . So , if the parties meet with a method of selling ' hard selling ' tend to be shy .
3 . actively interactActive socialize and interact obat pembesar penis with the Twitter community , whether it's jamming twit various useful things ( of course, that in accordance with point 1 , focus ) , retweet , favorite or even if you need to communicate with the Direct message ( direct messages ) .
4 . Twitter Bio uniquely attractiveIf you understand , it should be on your business Bio Twitter is actually pulau pari offered strong . At Bio This twitter tweps must use firm and reassuring words about the business that is being built and offered , complete with contact information .
Twitter Bio examples of @ lensa_bisnis :Twitter Bio uniquely attractiveTwitter Bio uniquely attractive and Effective for business
So , avoid writing a bio on Twitter is not worth ' sell ' if the goal is to create an account u / online media campaign via Twitter . Twitter bio profiles can be analogous to the ' net or fishing line ' which has been fitted to obtain bait ' fish ' is maximal .
5 . Miracle of GivingYeah right ' Miracle of Giving ' , the magic of giving. :-) Wrote such books , same with the real world , giving activity ( with sincerity of course ... ) will give a positive miracle for the giver .
What's the point ? , Before we hope that other people alat bantu sex  do good to us with a retweet or tweet mem - favorites status of our business , so my friend had to give first. If it turns out that my friend give the reward is not worth it , then take it , continue the good habits then one day my friend will receive benefits ( prove it ! )
One of the important things on Twitter is you still appear as a human . No need to always be formal in their behavior on Twitter . Instead , when netpreneur tell you things are trivial , followers will love . pulau pari Remember , however , and for whatever a brand , people prefer the brand humanist .
What do you think ? In your opinion , what are the advantages of Twitter to promote products that you sell ? Share your opinion in the comment section of this article !How did it happen ? Although followers of our obat telat bulan  account only one person , but with this trick , blog viewable by millions of twitter followers . I share a trick that is very easy to learn , and that article we appeared on millions of account holders twitter timeline , it only takes about 10 minutes . The result is like a website or a blog series on the Noble Investama Networks are a few key words , article won the first page of search engines . As we all know , in addition to good quality articles and systematic , promotional articles that directs a person to visit ( itensitas visits ) bisnis online to our blog also affects the position of blogs on search engines .The first thing we do is to follow the following term or multiple accounts under . To reach millions of followers , please follow all of the accounts listed . After that prepare a media word or notepad and write these words as a series of promotional advertising our blog . Immediately, I give examples of practice, write like this :You want trusted gold credit and low interest ? Please click http://mulia-investama.co.idor friend can also write words like these :You want to learn a cool technique sunset photo ? Please click http://www.nelsonsitompul.com/2013/02/tips-fotografi-obyek-bidikan-sunset.htmlAfter that copy the sentence at the top of the menu or compose tweet mentions ( if using twitter ) or on the menu at the new tweet uber social twitter pulau pari account . Way to copy it to the sentence structure preceded twitter account :

@ iklanbekasi . Followernya number 8265 . Terms followed hastag # iklanbekasi . So you simply write the following:

@ iklanbekasi you want trusted gold credit and low interest ? Please click http://mulia-investama.co.id # iklanbekasi and then send a tweet. Wait a moment , then the advertising campaign will retweet your blog . So it will obat telat bulan appear in the timeline of his 8265 followers .

@ detikads . Number 18 384 followers . Terms followed hastag # detikads

@ detikads you want trusted gold credit and low interest ? Please click http://mulia-investama.co.id # detikads

@ otomatisiklan . 9354 number of followers . Terms followed hastag # selling

@ otomatisiklan you want trusted gold credit and jasa pembuatan toko online murah low interest ? Please click http://mulia-investama.co.id # selling

@ Jual_Beli . Number of followers 20726 . Terms followed hastag # wts

@ iklanmedan . Number of Followers 4780 . Unconditional hastag

@ iklanmedan you want trusted gold credit and low interest ? Please click http://mulia-investama.co.id

@ iklanbarison . pulau pari 9676 number of followers . Terms followed hastag # iklanbarisonline
@ promojkt . 8630 number of followers . Without followed hastag
@ jktsale . Number 11 594 followers . Terms followed hastag # jktsale
@ iklanonlineshop . Number 38 427 followers . Without followed hastag
@ iklan24jam . Follower number 32779 . Without followed hastag
@ buatseseorang . Follower number 610 420 . Followed ( @ your account ) # buatseseorang

@ buatseseorang want trusted gold credit and low interest ? Please click http://mulia-investama.co.id ( @ muliainvestama ) # buatseseorang
Pal should consider are:

Must follow all the above account and many more accounts on twitter ads
Process or compose tweet mention must be made on his twitter account . Can not be done directly from your blog
Note the number of characters , not more than 120 characters to be in retweet
Pay attention to the promotion that requires hastag or not
To be able to be read by millions of followers , blog promotion advertisement must be in Retweeted by them . So if within half an hour yet pasang iklan online  in retweet , please try again.
Easy is not it ? so with blogs in the promotion trick millions of twitter followers , the ad campaign will retweet your blog and read by millions of followers . If 10 % are tempted to click on your ads pulled , then imagine there are hundreds of thousands of visitors come to your blog . And in a short time the first page of the search engines you will achieve. Congratulations promote .

Post By : Jasa SEO Murah dan Jasa Desain Website Murah

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